Подготовка к егэ по английскому языку самостоятельно 2016

Task 1

Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-7) with phrases (A-H). There is one phrase you do not need.

A including your passwords, pin codes and credit card details

B the internet provides additional opportunities for fraud

C it just applies mechanical approach to search for information

D as e-trade is very convenient for busy people

E their buying habits and preferences

F but click only on the links that seem relevant

G which means that you need to type in the details of your credit card in a special form

H the searching system is not able to think logically

E -commerce means selling and buying products online. Nowadays internet shops can compete with retail shops quite successfully. Is online trade just a fashion or a persistent tendency? Will it ultimately cause traditional shops to die out? Everything depends on customers and _______(1). Let us find out how people in the streets feel about e-trade growing opportunities.

“I find buying online very convenient,” says Allan Brig, a loyal internet customer. “I have unlimited access to the internet and I’m practically always online. If I need to buy something, I try internet shops first and only if they can’t offer me what I need, do I go to a store, a shopping centre or a supermarket.”

“Buying via the internet is a great option,” Julia Smith, a busy undergraduate, shares the opinion. “And it’s good for ideas too. If I want to buy something, say, a present for my friend, but have no idea what exactly I need, I type the key words “buy” and “original presents” in the search bar and press enter. Instantly the searching system provides me with a long list of sites which, as the machine thinks, meet my requirements. I look through the list _______(2). Naturally, the results of the search may contain lots of irrelevant links. It’s irritating sometimes, but the machine doesn’t want to confuse me deliberately, ______(3). According to it, if a site contains all three words “buy”, “original” and “presents”, it’ll be selected automatically. Unfortunately, ______(4) and analyse the content of the site. But I’m sure it’ll learn how to do it very soon.”

Another opinion belongs to Maria Chris, a freelance designer. “I often shop online,” she says, “though many of my friends don’t think it’s safe enough. That’s true, _____(5), but if you are careful, you can feel quite safe. When I buy via the internet, I usually visit several sites to compare prices and delivery terms. I want to know if the delivery is free, to put it bluntly, if the delivery costs have been included in the price already, or if they want me to pay extra for it. As for the ways of payment, there are usually two options. The first one is payment by a credit card, ______(6). The essential information they need to withdraw the money from your account is the card holder’s name, the number written on the card and the expiry date. Alternatively, you can pay cash to the delivery man when you receive the ordered goods. Though paying cash is not very convenient, as the delivery man may not have change, I usually prefer it as a very safe way.”

John Flint, a sales manager in tourism, doesn’t contradict the previous respondents. Actually, he sums up their opinions. “Theoretically speaking”, he says, “hackers can break any computer and get access to your personal data ________(7). I’m not a computer geek and I don’t know how it can be done, but I’m sure it’s possible. In spite of that, I feel that e-trade offers us an amazing opportunity to save out time. Shopping is inevitable and sometimes it’s fun, but I’m grateful to the technological progress that now I can devote more time to what I really like – my family, my friends and my rare plants collection.”

Task 2

Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Last Saturday I was at an air show with a friend. Jeff, my friend, is considering a career in aircraft ____(1) and that’s why he is interested in aviation and the prospects for this industry. Among the planes _____(2) at the show, a light jet caught Jeff’s attention immediately. To me it was just a nice elegant blue-and-white jet, but Jeff’s description was much more _______(3). He said that it was a single-pilot jet with two engines, which has an automated cockpit and can carry five or six passengers. He also said that the jet is a very noticeable ______(4) in aircraft construction for years and it may have a wide application in very different spheres. Its none-disputable ______(5) is that it can land on a runway much shorter than a runway required by the smallest jet now being flown. Jeff even predicted that the new jet would be used as an air taxi. And he may be right – in the near future business people can be attracted to these jets because they will get where they need to go much faster and cheaper than on a charted business jet. The official at the show said that unfortunately the jets cannot be delivered to the customers immediately as some technical ________(6) still need to be resolved.

After the show I was wondering if that jet could become an attractive ________(7) to daily commuting one day!

A) accomplishment B) pollution C) engineering D) science
A) presented B) offered C) invented D) designed
A) creative B) innovative C) professional D) advanced
A) innovation B) solution C) decision D) garget
A) question B) technology C) discovery D) advantage
A) knowledge B) development C) experts D) issues
A) alternatives B) breakthrough C) technology D) device

Task 3

Use the words in the appropriate form.

Doctors insist that their patients can make a significant ______(1 improve) in their quality of life without any _____(2 pain) treatment but simply by doing twenty minutes of walking every day. In the first place it refers to _____(3 weight) people whose illnesses are often consequences of their obesity. _____(4 sad), it’s an obvious fact that lots of people who live in a megalopolis spend most of their life sitting or lying. We sit at school and in the office, we sit in front of the TV or computer and lie on the sofa. We may not be aware of the fact, but actually we don’t do enough exercise. Isn’t it the right time to think for a moment and to choose an active life _____(5 health) eating habits rather than pills and _______(6 inject)?

Диагностическая работа по английскому языку за II полугодие

11А, V II

Task 1

Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-7) with phrases (A-H). There is one phrase you do not need.

A which can be instantly e-mailed to the tutor

B due to new technologies and innovative approaches to language teaching

C because the internet courses are becoming very popular

D so that they could meet unified global standards

E in other words you need to speak and write well enough to be understood

F but unfortunately they don’t know how to improve their level

G without too much effort

H across continents and cultures

The need for ever more qualified specialists is growing geometrically. The world is getting more and more complex and today’s graduates are expected to know a lot and to be able to work with loads of information. The information they get may be highly controversial and to assess it, young people need to understand the interconnections between politics, cultures, economies and technologies around the world. Due to globalization, education has practically ceased to function as a local system which trains workers for local industries. Today national education systems have to be changed _______(1).

Language awareness is one of the essential requirements to a graduate today. Whatever field you are going to work in, you’ll have to communicate with colleagues, partners, providers or clients all over the world. To do it effectively you need sufficiently developed communication skills,_______(2). Lots of people understand the importance of foreign languages ______(3). If you have already left school, is it still possible to acquire necessary language skills and make up for opportunities missed in the school years? Most teachers would say “yes”, you can learn languages in any age and get impressive results ______(4).

The innovations are particularly helpful to people who don’t have much time and cannot spend days in the language classroom. Over recent years computers have become increasingly important for learning languages. Computer technologies and the internet enable students to learn languages _____(5) IT technologies save time and it’s the main reason why e-learning and various online courses are getting more and more popular. From home, or while commuting they can practice vocabulary, grammar or write essays ______(6). There are special pieces of software that can record the students’ speech and programmes for work on pronunciation. Motivation for learning languages is increasing too. The internet, as the greatest technological advance, has brought the most essential thing into language learning – live communication _______(7).

Task 2

Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

The number of people who travel for business and educational purposes has ____(1) considerably over recent years. We move from city to city, from country to country looking for educational _____(2) or a better job. _______(3) , those are not the only reasons for migration – often people have to lave their native land and flee from civil wars, terrorist attacks or poverty. They ______(4) to other countries, sometimes, illegally, seeking ______ (5) and decent life. But in spite of their hopes and dreams the new reality can be quite tough. Most immigrants experience language problems. Even if they speak the language of the new country ________(6), their accent gives away their foreign background, and they may feel different and alienated from the others. They also leave behind friends and relatives, which________(7) to their loneliness and insecurity.

A) strengthened B) increased C) broadened D) improved
A)needs B) standards C) opportunities D) aims
A)However B) And C) Because D) That’s why
A) tour B) commute C) travel D) immigrate
A) safety B) danger C) health D) advice
A) loudly B) quietly C)fluently D) widely
A) increase B) helps C) contributes D) lessen

Task 3

Use the words in the appropriate form.

Doctors insist that their patients can make a significant ______(1 improve) in their quality of life without any _____(2 pain) treatment but simply by doing twenty minutes of walking every day. In the first place it refers to _____(3 weight) people whose illnesses are often consequences of their obesity. _____(4 sad), it’s an obvious fact that lots of people who live in a megalopolis spend most of their life sitting or lying. We sit at school and in the office, we sit in front of the TV or computer and lie on the sofa. We may not be aware of the fact, but actually we don’t do enough exercise. Isn’t it the right time to think for a moment and to choose an active life _____(5 health) eating habits rather than pills and _______(6 inject)?

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